Website Relaunch

We’re just about at the mid-point of the year and it’s time to relaunch this website. The cliché thing would be to say “I’ve been really, really busy this year,” but that would be the easy way out. I was really busy the first part of the year, but the last month or so has been really slow, and it’s easy to slip into a funk when it’s slow.

The right and proper thing for a business owner to do is make themselves busy – there’s always something else to do. But when there’s six dozen projects on the list, the hardest question to answer is “What is the next thing?” I’ve been paralyzed by overchoice. My answer to the question of “What’s next?” was “Nothing.” I had a made a decision to not make a decision.

That just simply won’t do when there are so very many things to do.

Of course, the solution to overchoice is to just make a freaking decision and go with it. A harbor is fine for a storm, but ship can only be steered at sea and under power. Once you make one choice it’s much easier to make the next.

So I chose to build a new website.

Overchoice is true for filmmakers as well, especially when they’re all alone. In our personal projects many of us stall in pre-production because we don’t feel like we have all the answers. But pre-production has to end for production to begin. After a certain point the only thing to do is start moving forward – to start making, to schedule the first day, to shoot the first interview – and figure out the rest once you’re in motion.

My next choice is to start shooting my first feature length documentary. The first interview is scheduled for the end of this month, which gives me a couple of weeks to get some things prepped, like a batten light, a butterfly frame, and an Interrotron, which should be fun.

Onwards into the tempest where ships belong.

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